.ORG.UK Pricing

TLD 1 Year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
Sole .ORG.UK registration C$23.99 C$18.76 C$28.14 C$37.51 C$46.89 C$56.27 C$65.65 C$75.03 C$84.41 C$93.78
.ORG.UK with hosting FREE C$23.99 C$18.76 C$28.14 C$37.51 C$46.89 C$56.27 C$65.65 C$75.03 C$84.41

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.ORG.UK yes yes yes no 1-10 years

Registering .ORG.UK Domain Names

The .ORG.UK country-specific second-level domain name extension is the recognized extension for non-commercial institutions that are somehow related to the UK. If you wish to kickstart a donation site or represent a humanitarian institution in need of promotion, then .ORG.UK is the most suitable option.For the online community, .ORG.UK conveys a sense of confidence and indicates that your site is not for profit. The connection of .ORG.UK with nonprofit institutions is so powerful, that if your website currently makes use of the .CO.UK or the .COM extension, for example, it might make your website visitors doubt the legitimacy of your not-for-profit organization.For this reason, if you wish to have an efficient donation campaign, you had better pick .ORG.UK over any other alernative you could come up with.Order your .ORG.UK domain from Host Faster for just C$23.99 a year!

.ORG.UK Domain Management with Host Faster

You've come to the best place if you're searching for a home for your .ORG.UK domains. Being fully featured yet easy to use at the same time, our Domain Manager interface will place domain name administration at your fingertips. You'll be the real master of all the important DNS and WHOIS settings for your domain name. Would you like to have multiple domain names? No problem! Controlling many domains is a breeze with this useful tool, it's guaranteed.

Moreover, if you are a hosting account owner too, then you are already aware of the fact that the Domain Manager is really built into our Web Hosting Control Panel, which has a different web site administration section too. Yup! Here, sites and domains are managed from the exact same place and customers don't have to adapt to multiple interfaces.