.PL Pricing

TLD 1 Year 2 years 3 years
Sole .PL registration C$77.99 C$155.98 C$233.97

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.PL no yes (EPP) yes no 1-3 years

Registering .PL Domain Names

.PL is the ccTLD extension for Poland and it is offered for only C$77.99 per year at Host Faster. You can get a .PL domain for up to 3 years with our company. By picking a .PL domain, your site will achieve noticeably better recognition in Poland, as websites with country-code TLDs are usually ranked higher in local searches.

.PL Domain Name Management with Host Faster

Host Faster is here to help you discover how domain administration can be transformed from a hard chore to a quick and easy task. Using the Domain Manager interface, available free of charge with every new domain registration, you will have the power to control all the things related to your domain names (WHOIS details, DNS records, etcetera) through a user-friendly interface. And not only that - our Domain Manager is designed to operate numerous domains at once, allowing you to command all your domain names from just a single location.