• Help Center
  • Simple to Get

  • Getting your brand new SSL certificate is really easy. Everything you should perform is submit the submission form with your Website Control Panel. You won’t need to have an account using a third–party provider, you won’t need to waste your time waiting for days for your personal SSL to be ready.

  • Easy to Install
  • Easy to Install

  • Installing and establishing an SSL Certificate yourself can be challenging and confounding. This is the reason, when your domain name is hosted with us, you will get your brand new SSL certificate configured conveniently. No arrangement is required at all – our clever system will carry out all the work and setup for you.

  • 24x7 Suport
  • 24x7 Support

  • Host Faster offers 24x7 support with each of our web hosting services. Our technical support professionals have lots of knowledge working with SSL Services and they are willing to assist you with any problem you may encounter. They’ve got a standard response time of less than 20 mins!

SSL Prices

Swipe left & right to view all SSLs
SSL 1 year
Regular SSL C$45.99
Wildcard SSL C$169.99

SSL Services with Host Faster

An SSL certificate will add by far the most functional safety coating for your web site. If you happen to have an Internet store and receive payments, then an SSL Certificate is actually a must–have as it can greatly improve the overall customer’s trust in your website.

With Host Faster, you can purchase a new SSL Certificate directly from your personal web hosting Control Panel. And when your domain name is hosted in an account with Host Faster, we’ll automatically install the SSL Certificate on your behalf. Absolutely no further setup or hands–on setting are expected.

Apart from the basic SSL Services, there is also a Wildcard SSL certificate. A Wildcard SSL Certificate can be placed on a range of hostnames all at once. This is very convenient should you wish to protect many different websites all at once.

SSL Services, both ordinary and wildcard, available at Host Faster, feature a proper 2048–bit data encryption plus a $10 000 USD warranty.You can acquire an SSL certificate with each of our web hosting solutions – Linux hosting services, Linux VPS web hosting, Linux semi-dedicated hosting, and Linux dedicated hosting services.

Whois Privacy Protection

Don’t trouble yourself about your online data

The WHOIS information pertaining to your domain name will become publicly accessible to everyone right after the domain name registration procedure itself. You can elude that by activating an Whois Privacy Protection service for your domain. With it, your personal or business information, including your name, email address and street address, will be substituted with fictitious details. To Whois Privacy Protect your domain, simply select the domain name and then click on the Whois Privacy Protection icon to activate this service.

This service is available with the majority of the universal and country–specific TLD extensions that we’re offering. Make sure you examine the TLD information page on our site to learn which Top–Level Domains are Whois Privacy Protection–eligible.

Whois Privacy Protection

Wildcard Domains

Switch on wildcard domains with just a click

With the Wildcard functionality available in the Domain Manager, you will be able to make all the hosts that you have under a specific domain load the index page of your site.

This option can be extremely useful when you need to install a multi–site app on your site, or if you need a given sub–domain to redirect to the main page of your site.

You’ll be able to add a wildcard domain name with a click of the mouse via the Control Panel–integrated Domain Manager interface. Just press the Add Host button located on the right and you’ll see the Wildcard option at the bottom of the dialogue box.

Wildcard Domains

Domain Name Locking

Theft–proof your domain names

With Host Faster, you will be able to easily protect your domain name from being transferred away without your approval by "locking" it at your present domain name registrar. This will not affect the way the domain behaves in any respect whatsoever, but will immediately block all domain transfer requests.

If you want to to transfer your domain name, you can easily unlock it. Locking ’n’ unlocking a domain name is extremely easy and entails just one click.

Domain Name Locking

Domain Manager

One–stop domain name managing solution

The Domain Manager is an essential part of our hosting Control Panel and includes all the features that you need to administer your domains. It sports an easy–to–use interface through which you can alter DNS settings, change WHOIS details, lock your domain or create subdomain names with only one mouse click.

Through the Domain Manager you may also buy more services such as Whois Privacy Protection and SSL certificates.

Domain Manager

Video Tutorials

In–built instructional videos

If you ever chance upon any difficulties while using our web hosting Control Panel, we offer a fast method of resolving them – our video tutorials. We’ve assembled an amazing selection of informative video clips that describe virtually everything you can do with Host Faster’s web hosting Control Panel – from registering a domain to modifying your PHP preferences.

In addition, we have a comprehensive F.A.Q. library, which stores the questions that our technical support team gets asked the most. Furthermore, you can always contact our 24/7 tech support team and have one of our practiced technicians investigate your problem.

Video Tutorials

Specify Custom DNS Records

Change a variety of DNS records

At Host Faster, we give you complete authority over your domains’ DNS resource records. Via the Custom DNS section of the Domain Manager, you can alter a variety of DNS records for a chosen domain. These include A, AAAA, MX, NS, SRV, CNAME and TXT records. To set a new record, simply select a domain name and then specify the desired value in the corresponding DNS record field. To modify the DNS resource record – click on ’Modify’; to restore the initial value – click on ’Revert’.

Via the GeoIP location tool, also available in the Custom DNS section, you will be able to show a particular language version of your web site to visitors from a certain geographic location.

Specify Custom DNS Records

Multiple Domain Control

Take care of many domain names at the same time

From our Domain Manager, you can easily administer multiple domain names from just one location. You’ll be granted access to a wide array of DNS controls and will be able to make modifications to different domains at the same time.

Plus, if you happen to also have a cloud hosting account with us, you will be able to manage both your domain names and your websites from one location.

Multiple Domain Control

Domain Name Redirection

Forward your web sites to just about every other host on the web

With our domain name redirection tool, you can easily point a domain or a sub–domain in your account to any website at all. This tool sports an intuitive interface, which enables you to forward the (sub)domains of your choosing with merely a couple of clicks. Thus, you will not need to cope with sophisticated modifications to the .htaccess file.

In order to forward a domain, simply determine the destination path it should follow and our clever tool will perform everything else instead of you and will instantaneously redirect the domain to the new location.

Domain Name Redirection
  • Domain Names

  • .CA - C$34.99/year
  • .COM - C$24.99/year
  • .UK - C$23.99/year
  • Compare Domain Names