Dropbox is a well-known cloud file storage platform. Unlike an Internet hosting service where you can have an Internet site that is accessible online by entering a domain, Dropbox permits you to store files, which you can access from their application using a computer or a smart phone. The files aren't executed, so an html file shall be listed and not presented as an actual site. The service enables you to access your information from any location as long as you log in with the proper credentials. Since the company allows third-party service providers to use their API, we've taken advantage of this service and we provide you with the opportunity to generate regular automatic backups of the data that you have on our end to a Dropbox account provided that you have enough space. This will add one more level of protection for your sites as you shall always have a copy of any information that you might need and if the app is installed on your PC, a copy will be available not only on their hosting servers, but also within a folder on your end.

Dropbox Backups in Hosting

You could use Dropbox for backups whatever the hosting service that you opt for when you sign up and the function will be available within the Hepsia Control Panel supplied with all accounts. Linking one or even multiple Dropbox accounts takes just a few mouse clicks and as soon as the connection with our system is created, you'll be able to choose if all your data will be backed up there or only specific sites and databases. This depends upon the size of the content material which you have on our end and what amount of space you have within your Dropbox account. The amount of backups which you may have ranges from 3 to 14 and our system shall make a new one every day, so you could have a copy of your files for up to fourteen days back and you will be able to access them on your personal computer as conventional files and folders. You can certainly change the sites or the number of backups whenever you want. This functionality is a fantastic addition to the backups that we shall keep of your entire content four times per day. If you no longer want your Dropbox account to be linked to our system, you could remove it with only a click within your CP.

Dropbox Backups in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Linking a semi-dedicated hosting account to a Dropbox one is very simple and takes only a few clicks, so if you host your Internet sites on our cutting-edge cloud web hosting platform and you want to have backups in addition to the ones which we create each day, you'll be able to set everything up in no time. This is done through the Dropbox section of the Hepsia Control Panel and our system will permit you to select what shall be backed up - all the data, only particular Internet site folders, just databases or a mix of the two. You'll be able to have between 3 and fourteen daily backups at a time based on the amount of free space you have in the Dropbox account and how large the sites on our end are. You shall be able to change this number and to add or eliminate websites at any time and the changes will take effect the next time our system produces backups. Detaching a Dropbox account is also very easy, so if you no longer want to employ this service, it shall take you just a click to remove your account from our system.

Dropbox Backups in VPS Web Hosting

You can use this feature with all Linux VPS web hosting that we offer provided you choose Hepsia for the hosting CP. Your Dropbox account could be linked to the server from the user-friendly interface Hepsia features and a copy of your content will be stored within your Dropbox account every single day. The maximum amount of copies that you can have at any given time is 14, consequently if you don't have enough free space with Dropbox or you have too much content on the VPS, you can either select a smaller number of copies or you could pick just particular Internet sites to be backed up. The latter could be added or removed from the backups whenever you want with ease. The Dropbox function will permit you to get a copy of your content right on your laptop or computer every day without doing anything by hand, but you may also consider the backup service that we offer with our Managed Services upgrade since you shall get several other administration tasks with it also.

Dropbox Backups in Dedicated Servers Hosting

The Dropbox backups are available with all Linux dedicated hosting services purchased with the Hepsia Control panel and you can link the two accounts with a few clicks via a very user-friendly interface which shall permit you to choose the exact content that will be backed up and the amount of copies that will be available within your Dropbox account at one time. This way you could take advantage of this service if you do not have enough space with Dropbox for the whole content on the server or you simply need merely some of the content. Hepsia will enable you to specify the folders to be backed up and to choose between three and fourteen daily copies to be saved, so you can have backups for up to fourteen days back. You'll be able to edit these options with a click whenever you choose or you may eliminate the Dropbox account from the Control Panel if you do not intend to use it anymore. Alternatively we offer in-house backups also, which you can get as a standalone service or as a component of the Managed Services package which comes with a variety of handy server administration tasks.