Running a site involves various other procedures aside from registering a domain and linking it to some web pages which are uploaded on a server. Each one of them is extremely important and influences the user experience - both for you as the Internet site owner and for your site visitors. As an example, a script-driven site uses a database, files are uploaded via FTP, and communication with clients is done through e-mail, although some services require certain domain records to be created. Each of these things is important and when any one of them is hard to handle or is simply missing from the range of services that your account provides, the abilities of your site can be limited, plus the overall control over the site could be very frustrating if you are not able to do some task.

Website Manager in Hosting

If you purchase a Linux hosting service from our company and host your websites on our innovative cloud platform, you can make use of the advanced, yet simple-to-use Website Manager tool, which is part of our in-house created Hepsia CP. The tool will provide you with far better control over your Internet content than any other tool on the market, because it has a simple, novice-friendly interface, but offers enough options for advanced users as well. A single tool will allow you to change the DNS records for any domain name, to update the WHOIS details or to hide them through our Whois Privacy Protection service, to access the website files, to install a script application, to check out visitor statistics, to order an SSL certificate and much, much more. These things are available in one location and you could accomplish any of them with just several mouse clicks using quick-access buttons, which will save you time and which shall make the control over your presence online very easy.

Website Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With the Website Manager tool that we shall give you if you have a semi-dedicated server account with our company, you shall be able to handle your domains and all the things related to them without any hassle and with just a few clicks. The tool comes with a lot of options in one place, but is designed with a clean and basic interface, that makes it well suited for newbies. More experienced users shall also appreciate how fast they can handle every part of their web presence, instead of going through several menus trying to find some hidden option. As soon as you click on any domain name hosted inside your account, you shall be able to edit its DNS records, to order an SSL certificate, to create a new database or an e mail address, to install a script-driven app, plus much more. All these options are accessible through quick-access buttons, so you can do everything you require in relation to your website fast and easy.