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Host Faster





(per month)


(per month)


(per month)


(per month)
Unlimited Disk Space 25 GB Disk Space 10 GB Disk Space 10 GB Disk Space
1 Hosted Domain Unlimited Hosted Domains 10 Hosted Domains 2 Hosted Domains
100 E-mail accounts Unlimited E-mail accounts 100 E-mail accounts Unlimited E-mail accounts
5 MySQL Databases N/A MySQL Databases 10 MySQL Databases Unlimited MySQL Databases

Linux Hosting Services services from Host Faster

After you register for a Linux hosting services plan with Host Faster, you will not get a regular hosting service. You are going to get a Linux hosting services service that will make your life easier as well as your site superior. We’ve designed a great deal of tools to modify day to day hosting tasks from something irksome to something simple. And we are available for you on 24/7, throughout the year.

Cloud Hosting Services from Host Faster

Website management made simple

Something that actually differentiates us from the rest of the web hosting providers is our exceptional Website Control Panel. It actually was devised for the one and only aim of rendering web site management easy and simple, still really useful. We’ve unified site and domain management and we are making multi–domain and multi–website administration doable underneath an individual Linux hosting services pack. We have as well made numerous free–of–charge instruments, which allow you to start a whole new site with a customized style in under 5 min or to set up a popular web application very quickly, no setup required. And also, our customized stats tool starts functioning the moment your website goes live, absolutely no setup needed.

Choose your data center

In Host Faster, we collaborate with some state–of–the–art data centers around the world. Our company offers Hosting In The US services within our USA based data center in Chicago, Illinois; Hosting In The United Kingdom solutions with our United Kingdom based data center in Coventry; North European hosting with our Finland based data center in Pori, Finland;East European hosting with our Eastern Europe based data center in Sofia, Bulgaria; and Hosting In Australia services in our Australia Based Data Center, that’s located in the heart of Sydney. Every data center was picked out due to supreme power and cooling options, great network connectivity and, last, yet not least, the elite on–site technicians.

Risk–free hosting services

The benefit of creating your own hosting platform is that you can choose the way it is developed and what hardware adjustments are going to be utilized. This control of both hardware layer and also the software level allows us to assure a 99.9% server uptime with all the Linux hosting services plans. And also, since we assembled our custom network in every data center, we also assure a 99.9% network uptime with hosting services. And if you’re unhappy with what we have to offer for any reason whatsoever, you can get a reimbursement together with our 30–day money–back policy, no hassle.