We have provided an abundance of Advanced Instruments within the Host Faster Website Control Panel. All these tools can assist you to do uncomplicated jobs just like protecting a folder with a pass word or a lot more advanced ones such as, for instance, shifting the PHP release of your cloud hosting account. Although the jobs they are doing vary, the Advanced Instruments have one uniformity. They’re truly user–friendly and uncomplicated and demand absolutely no particular expertise from you.

Hotlink Protection

Defend yourself from traffic cyber–theft

Any time you produce authentic content there will always be somebody who will try to make use of without having your approval. It applies simultaneously to textual content plus pictures. And here, the Hotlink Protection tool included in the Website Control Panel will truly help you. With a mouse–click, you are going to secure all pictures within your website by preventing other websites from linking to them.

Using this method, not only will you end people from using your pictures, but you’ll also ensure that you adhere to your monthly data traffic limitation.

Hotlink Protection

.htaccess generator

Auto creation of .htaccess files

Included inside the Host Faster Website Control Panel you can find .htaccess Generator – a potent instrument, which enables you to produce .htaccess files without having to create them by hand. Our tool calls for zero expertise and absolutely no comprehension of .htaccess file management.

Having an .htaccess file, you can easily reroute several pages of your website or maybe the full web site to a completely new area. You can even apply it to guard a folder by using a username and password or to have PHP code within HTML files, etcetera.

.htaccess Generator

IP blocking

Prevent harmful IP addresses from your web site

For those who have top–ranked site, sooner or later you fall victim to spammers and destructive site visitors. You are able to guard your web sites from this kind of activities using the IP blocking tool incorporated into our Website Control Panel. The tool will help you to effectively block an IP address or even a whole array of IP addresses with simply a mouse–click.

Merged with our thorough web stats and the GeoIP redirection software tools, this IP Blocking tool will help you effectively manage the ways to access your website.

IP Blocking

PHP configuration

Customize the PHP settings for one’s web site

Along with any of the cloud hosting bundles from Host Faster, you can choose the PHP version for your sites – from old PHP releases including PHP 4 up to the most current stable editions. It can be done with merely a click of the mouse. All changes are going to be applied immediately. For each and every PHP edition, you have access to the php.ini file for one’s site, so you can totally change the manner PHP works.

Host Faster offers a effective interface, which lets you promptly customize the most critical PHP adjustments. Any time, you may also go back to the standard settings so as to restore a backup.

PHP Configuration

Cron Jobs

Generate automated scheduled jobs

When there’s something which your web site or web app will need to execute on a daily basis, it is possible to automate it thanks to a cron job. Cron jobs can help you set up planned jobs, which may be fulfilled at certain time intervals. You could make cron jobs to e–mail you the reputation of one’s site every single day or get rid of non–permanent files every week so as to free disk space in your cloud hosting account.

Every single cloud hosting package offers a distinct amount of cron jobs. More cron jobs can be acquired at any time through the Website Control Panel.

Cron jobs

Password Protection

Simple way to shield all your files

Password protection is known as a way to protect your web site by using a username and password to make sure that just a pre–defined group of users have access to it. One example is, you might need username and password protection any time you create your site and don’t wish the search engines or other people to see it before it is all set or when you want to create a private directory for your website with approved access.The Password Protection instrument bundled at the Host Faster Website Control Panel will allow you to do this with only a couple of mouse–clicks. You’ll be the only person who knows the username and password required to sign in unless you share them with another person.

The password will be held in a protected file format, so not one person is able to see it or check it out. Only you, as the webmaster can be permitted to adjust it.

Password Protection

URL redirection

URL redirection with merely several mouse–clicks

If you want to easily direct your site to a different web page or any other site, you can do this using our URL Redirection tool. It negates the requirement to develop PHP redirects or create an .htaccess file. Basically state the spot you would like to point your site to and the software instrument will take care of the rest. Your domain name will be redirected very quickly.

And when you wish to stop the re–direction and have your web site pointed to the previous URL, this can be done with only a click of the mouse.

URL Redirection