To possess a rapidly loading website, you must have a clean and well written backend code. Inside the Website Control Panel, you can find a range of applications that will assist you accelerate your web site’s efficiency without having to modify anything inside the back–end code. The Web Accelerator Applications – Memcached, Varnish and Node.js will not only enable you to supply faster loading rates to your visitors and thus reduce bounce volumes, but also will push your website higher in the search engine results positioning.

To make use of the Web Accelerator Applications, simply just log in your Website Control Panel and produce an instance for the one you need.


RAM–memorizing instead of data–base requests

If you have a database–loaded site or application, and if database requests often reduce the overall performance, this can be really disheartening for the web–site visitors or the web application users. Searching for a resolution can generally require a considerable amount of time. Nevertheless, in the Host Faster Website Control Panel, you will discover a remedy for you.

Memcached is a straightforward, yet highly effective distributed memory object caching platform, that caches information and objects in the RAM. This way, the database–stored information on your website does not need to be loaded every time a customer opens up exactly the same web page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing in place of HTTP requests

You’ll find many different strategies to quicken a site, but most of these require a coder to rewrite the program code. There are more simple tools for increasing the rate of a web site, much like the Varnish web accelerator instrument included in our Website Control Panel.

Varnish represents an HTTP accelerator, which stores HTTP calls inside the server RAM and returns them to the customer as opposed to waiting around for the server to send them. Testing show that employing Varnish on a site as well as a web application generally speeds up loading speeds with a factor of 300 – 1000x. Varnish may well also be tweaked how to handle incoming requests – if they need to be returned by Varnish, by the hosting server, and so on.

Hepsia File Manager


Make scalable apps effortlessly

Node.js supplies an up–to–date programming program for creating adaptable applications and sites in a record breaking speed. It can be used for just about everything – from handling API requests, streaming information and parsing e–mails to converting graphics, music files, clips and office files.

It is based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and utilizes an event–driven, non–blocking I/O model that makes it light and effective. Also, Node.js has a big supportive community that makes constant revisions to the system and is also always ready to provide support.

Hepsia File Manager